
Newsletter September 2021

Newsletter September 2021

Our Mission Continues

Our mission to help, shelter and guide our children stands strong. This past month, we welcomed 7 children into our home of love and affection.

We are very happy to see that we are able to provide a better life for these little angels through the donations we receive. We are immensely grateful to God and to everyone who helps us. Thank you all very much!


This month, we had a wonderful birthday party to celebrate another year in the lives of our little ones. As usual, the themes of the party were chosen by the birthday children themselves. The two chosen themes of the month were “Dinosaur” and “Miraculous: Ladybug’s adventures”. The party was full of joy, with lots of music, games, fun, and of course, lots of food!

Medical Visit to Maná

On September 3rd, Lar Maná received a voluntary visit from doctors Anderson Amorim, ngelo Amorim and Thais Bernal. They examined each of our little ones with much love, care and attention, and donated medicine, toilet paper and personal hygiene products.

At the end of the consultations, all the children also enjoyed a delicious snack that was also brought by these dear doctors.

Food Basket Donations

This month we received basic food baskets from the project “Pátria Voluntária” (volunteer homeland), which were delivered to us by the “Polícia Rodoviária Federal” (PRF) (federal highway police).

We were able to donate many of the food baskets to members of the local community of “Chã da Mangabeira” and to families of students who study at the local school “Walfrido Advíncula” and were in need.

We are very grateful for the opportunity to help so many people beyond our own home at Lar Maná. Thank you very much “Pátria Voluntária” and thank you very much Federal Highway Police (PRF)!

New Playground

Sponsored by a generous couple of friends, we are building a new playground for our children aged 1 to 4! This new area will be part of our preschool “Maná do Céu”, which belongs to the “Granny Charlene Pedagogical Space”.

Little by little it is taking shape. Check out how beautiful it is!

An Important Conversation

On September 9 a conversation circle was organized about the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA), aiming to make our little ones aware of their rights and duties as children.

Finally, a playful and educational video was shown so that they could understand the theme in a lighter and more entertaining way!

September 7th Parade

We organized a small parade to honor Brazil’s Independence Day (September 7).

Our children and staff marched with ornaments and banners referring to Brazil’s Independence, to the rights of children and adolescents and also celebrating all of the state and national organizations that support our mission at Lar Maná.

Finally, we all saluted the Brazilian flag to the sound of the national anthem.

“Yellow September”

We had a talk given by educator Lusileide and psychologist Natali where we introduced our children to the meaning of Yellow September, also known as Suicide Awareness Month, through talks, videos, dynamics and prayers. By the end of the day, we helped them make posters with words of love and care.

Our little ones learned more about the importance of love, empathy and dialogue in a person’s life and how this can save lives of the ones we love.

Expansion of the “Maná do Céu” School

In the beginning of this past month of September, we started the construction of a new room for the Maná do Céu School.

The couple sponsoring the construction of our new playground, whom we mentioned earlier in this newsletter, is also sponsoring the construction of a new classroom and study room!

This new area will be a place where the older children will be able to study and be assisted by our pedagogical team in their school activities during times when they are not at school.

We are very grateful for everything that is being built with much love and care. Words can’t describe how thankful we are to everyone who is contributing, from our donors to the construction workers.

Tree Day

September 21 is celebrated as Tree day in Brazil, so to commemorate this very important and special day, we went with our children from Maná do Céu School to the courtyard to water the trees and plants there and then back to the classroom to listen to stories about tree day and, at the end, we did a beautiful collage activity to give color and life to the little tree on paper.

Did You Know You Can Have a Positive Impact on the Life of an At-risk Child?

If you want to be closely involved with the transformation of an at-risk child, now you can personally sponsor a child who lives at Lar Maná from wherever you are!

Click here to start your journey of positively impacting a child’s life.

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