Birthday of The Month
Children’s parties are always a blast! And when the child is in love with the theme of his party, were are in for a day of a lot of fun! During the month of February, we celebrated one of our little boys’ birthdays. He chose the Spiderman theme himself for his 3rd birthday party. He is growing into a happy and intelligent boy and we are thrilled to celebrate his life!
Back to School

Classes started back in our on-campus preschool (Pedagogical Space Grandma Charlene) for the children ages 2-3 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Our counselor, Kathy Short EdD, works directly with the preschool program. She also holds monthly professional development meetings with our pedagogical team. Because of the pandemic, these meetings have happened through Zoom and WhatsApp. This program is part of Project “Valuable Friends”-Santander.
Pedagogical Support

The children have been super excited to be back to classes! They are enrolled in state and city public schools and we get their activities through e-mail and WhatsApp. The students are supported individually in their schoolwork; each worksheet they complete is photographed and sent back to the teacher.
This past month, we were honored to receive recognition from one of the schools with a certificate of appreciation for our responsibility, commitment and support for all of our children during the remote classes of 2020.

Through the “Valuable Friend Project” by Santander Bank, children from 4 to 12 years old count on computer classes two times a week. They are already doing great at writing and editing text, online searches and educational games! Their teacher Jucélio das Neves has done a great job encouraging them to learn more about all the different technological tools.
Educating for Life

When it comes to child development, it is super important to be informed and striving to learn new things every day in order to best comprehend and assist the children in their daily challenges. Our social educators had a continuing education class with our psychologist Claudia Brito. The theme was “The Challenge of Educating for Life.” Everyone learned a lot!
The Importance of Water

We had an enriching experience for the children and supporters of Lar Maná through “Compesa”, a water and sanitation company that provided workbooks and presented us “The Importance of Water.” We had a day of planting sunflowers all around campus and the children learned so much from the experience!
The End of a Project

We are coming to the end of the Project Hope for Children 2020, an initiative that offered our children the opportunity to practice many different sports. Due to the lockdown from March to April last year, they extended the swimming lessons to March this year. It has been a blessing for the children and we have seen a clear improvement in their health and academic performance since sports practices begun.
Learn how you can help Lar Mana
There are a few ways that you can help Lar Mana continue its mission in the lives of our children, even if you live far away. One way is to make a one-time donation. Just visit our site and click on “give” and you will be redirected to PayPal to make a secure, one-time donation.
A more meaningful and long-lasting way to help is to become a child sponsor. Please read below to learn more about sponsoring a child.