Birthdays of The Month

Children’s parties are always sources of lots of laughter and joy! And it’s no different around here. As we usually do, we celebrated birthdays this month with a themed party. This time, we celebrated the lives of three little “Minnie Mouses”.
The Importance of Water

Water is a source of life and one of the most important natural resources out there. On March 22, we celebrated Water Day. We had the opportunity to work on the theme with our little ones at the Grandma Charlene Pedagogical Center. We held activities on the importance of water to our bodies and planet. This project was offered by the Valuable Friend Project by Santander Bank.
Online School

As has happened in most households in the country, we have been having online classes and activities for our kids throughout this pandemic.
They have all been following along with the remote classes and, with the assistance of our team, have shown great improvement and academic excellence. We are very proud of our little warriors!
Virtual Visitations

Just as the classes have been online, family visitation sessions have also been held remotely due to the pandemic. These meetings between the children and their biological family members have happened smoothly and pleasant conversations have been held, always with the assistance of our team.
The Vaccine is Here

The vaccine against COVID-19 has arrived at Lar Maná! All of our staff has been vaccinated and we received protective clothing and equipment from the Department of Social Assistance and Human Rights along with the Health Department of Paulista. We are so relieved and thankful for this initiative!
Support Through Special Gifts

This past month, we received support from a company called “Menthel Hearing Aid” through their gift of a brand new computer! Our home will certainly make very good use of this equipment.
We were also supported by Sherwin William Recife, as the company gifted us with some new paints for us to renew our structure! We are so thankful for these companies that have blessed us greatly!
Women’s Day

March 8 was International Women’s Day and our kids sure made it a memorable one. They all made cards and gifts and handed them out to all the special women who are part of our staff.
Aligning Processes

It is very important for us to be constantly involved with government agencies, strengthening our bond with them and aligning our processes.
This past month, we met with the Secretary of Social Policies and Human Rights and with the City Council of Children’s Rights of Paulista-PE.
Preventing Sexual Violence

This past month, we were able to work on different themes through activities and workshops for the kids. One of them was about the important topic of preventing sexual violence. The children who participated were separated in groups where they could receive orientation and instructions from very competent professionals.
Did You Know You Can Have a Positive Impact on the Life of an At-risk Child
Over the years, sponsoring a child has been one of the most effective ways to help them develop a positive self-image, get an education and rise up out of poverty. When you join our dedicated team of professionals and volunteers through sponsorship, we work together to guarantee the physical well-being, mental health and spiritual development of that child. If you want to be closely involved with the transformation of an at-risk child, you can now personally sponsor a child who lives at Lar Maná from wherever you are! Click the link to start your journey of positively impacting a child’s life.