
Newsletter July 2020

Newsletter July 2020

News From Our Kids

Mission accomplished

New families have been formed this month and we are thrilled to have been a part of it! Two sets of brothers and sisters were adopted and went off to their new homes with loving mothers and fathers.

Beauty day

One of our girls on a free beauty day at the Simone Menezes Salon, which included a conditioning treatment of her beautiful curls. The result was amazing not only for her hair, but also for her self-esteem.

New look

It’s always a blessing when the people from Taffnys Barber come to give haircuts for our little ones. They somehow managed to look even cuter!

Criança Esperança Project

Our children at Lar Maná were so happy with this new playground toy, gifted by the Criança Esperança project.

Recent Events

Summer camp

This past month, our little 2-3 year olds had a fun summer camp. The theme was God’s creation (light, water, soil, moon, starts, animals, food). They had a blast!


Our houseparent workers had a training session with the Lar Maná psychologist, Claudia Brito. The theme “What Kind of Educator Are You?” provided tips on how to do their jobs more efficiently.

Opportunities to Help

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