
Newsletter August 2023

Newsletter August 2023


This August, Lar Maná was the stage for more stories of love and transformation. Four children have found new homes where they will be loved, cared for and given the chance to grow up with love and care.

Each adoption is a moment of celebration, representing the realization of dreams and the formation of families. We celebrate not only these new beginnings, but also the power to make these children’s futures better.

We thank everyone who made these adoptions possible, and we continue our mission with hearts full of hope and gratitude.


Another baby arrived, only four days old!

He went for his first consultation with pediatrician Suzana Leite, who voluntarily attended our little one. We do not even have words to thank her for her generosity.

Thank God, he is fine, growing strong and healthy.

Organic Vegetable Garden

This month we started an Organic Vegetable Garden project, proposed by biologist Danyllo Almeida. He voluntarily brought the proposal to director Ana Valéria who promptly embraced the cause and provided the necessary space and equipment.

We have already started the project and the children have put their hands to work, participating in the whole process. They planted coriander, lettuce and cucumber seeds, following Professor Danyllo’s instructions. Last week, the seedlings were already ready to be planted in the bed and so it happened. We can’t wait to see our flowerbed all green.

In addition to promoting healthier and more conscious eating habits, this project will help the children learn about the importance of preserving the environment and being responsible for caring for and harvesting the plants.

Contact with nature is very good, not only for children, but for every human being, helping to reduce stress, improve the immune system, and general well-being.

Fire Inspection

We are always looking to provide a safe and welcoming environment for children here at Lar Maná. For this reason, we made some adjustments to the handrail on the main stairs, required by the Pernambuco Fire Department, to ensure maximum safety in our facilities.

We try to follow all safety instructions as nothing is more important than the well-being and protection of our children!

After the adjustments, we received an inspection visit from the Fire Department, to verify that the adjustments are in accordance with the guidelines given by them, and thank God, everything went well.

Visit from the ICBV Elders

We received a very special visit from the Elders of the Church of Christ of the Congregation that meets in Boa Vista.

They came to bring us words of encouragement and support for the work we do, filling our hearts with gratitude and strengthening our mission.

Our work is to welcome children and adolescents rescued from social vulnerability and through this work, we seek to fulfill God’s commandment in James 1:27, bringing hope and love to those who need it so much.

We are immensely grateful to the elders and the entire Church of Christ for their continued love and support. Together, we are God’s instruments to make a difference in the lives of these children and adolescents.

Outing Day

The children were invited to a birthday party at the Game Station in Shopping Recife and had a lot of fun. The invitation came from a very dear doctor, Dr. Eliete Machado, who was celebrating her grandson’s birthday and invited the children of Lar Maná to celebrate with him. Our immense gratitude to this doctor who was so attentive to our children and for the wonderful afternoon.


Still talking about special days, the “DONUTS OF WHAT?” provided our little ones with an afternoon full of sweetness, bringing donuts for the children to decorate and then enjoy. Needless to say, they loved it, right?

Many thanks to the “DONUTS OF WHAT?” family for preparing this wonderful afternoon for our little ones. It was sensational! Chocolate and sprinkles everywhere. We are already looking forward to your return. We will love to welcome you once again!

Folklore Day

On August 22nd we celebrate Folklore Day a date that invites us to delve into the rich traditions and stories of our country. Folklore is the voice of popular culture, where legends, myths, songs, dances and customs meet.

The pedagogical team prepared a super special afternoon for the little ones to immerse themselves in this rich world, giving them the opportunity to discover and preserve the culture and traditions of ancient generations.

In a playful and dynamic way, they also worked on reading with children, who became involved with the characters and let their imagination flow.

It was a wonderful afternoon, full of learning and lots of fun.

Back to school Itaú Project

In addition to sheltering children rescued from social vulnerability, Lar Maná, with the support of Itaú Social, has been carrying out important work with children from the local community.

The Project provides computer classes for the children and monthly meetings with the students’ mothers.

We had the first meeting with the mothers, to explain the dynamics of the project and align expectations, and we have already started classes with the children. Professor Paulo taught about Hardware and Software, the importance of operating systems and which ones currently exist, in addition to starting a typing competition with prizes and everything.

The classes have been very fruitful. We are happy for another semester that has started and we are confident that it will be wonderful.

Caring for those who care

The social educators and the pedagogical team are monitored monthly by psychologist Cláudia Brito and social worker Bárbara Melo. Much has been said about the importance of self-care.

In the midst of everyday hustle and hard work, it is easy to forget to dedicate time to ourselves and through these meetings tips are given on how to take better care of yourself, with small daily attitudes.

Taking care of those who care is essential to create a healthy and loving environment for our children, which is why we have increasingly valued moments like these.

Did You Know You Can Have a Positive Impact on the Life of an At-risk Child?

In a foster home, there are countless demands. We constantly need personal hygiene products, diapers, milk, and non-perishable food.

Currently, our biggest needs are diaper rash ointments and XL diapers. The Lar Maná is supported through donations and to continue to meet the needs of all the children in our care we need your help. If you would like to contribute with any amount, feel free to contribute on our site https://donate.larmana.org/sponsorships. We are immensely grateful for the generous contributions of everyone who helps us in this effort.

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