Birthdays of the Month
During the month of November, two of our little ones had birthdays. All we want is for them to be very happy and pray for God bless their lives with lots of health, love and joy.
Once again, the pedagogical team prepared a special themed party so that the children could feel loved and special.
Black Awareness Month
During the month of November, we celebrate Black Awareness, with the 20th of this month being a date to remember the struggles of black movements to end racism and an opportunity to celebrate the richness of Afro-Brazilian culture.
Here at Lar Maná, we recognize the importance of introducing this topic to children from an early age. Through playful and educational activities, the pedagogical team worked on this topic with the children, showing the children the beauty of racial diversity and the Afro culture.
Working on Black Awareness not only enriches the children’s cultural knowledge and awareness, but also contributes to the formation of conscious, respectful and empathetic citizens.
Thanks to the support of the Itaú Social Project, we can work on this and many other important topics with our children, providing a quality education for them.
God, with his infinite kindness and mercy, has placed incredible people in our path. People who, with such generous hearts and full of love, have blessed us in different ways.
We want to express our gratitude to chef Hiago, and the entire Bar do Amparo team, for the fundraising campaign they carried out.
Likewise, we would like to thank Manuela Duda, who used her social networks to promote a milk collection campaign and, through this, we were able to replenish our stock that was running low.
We are also grateful for the donations and the afternoon of fun and learning provided by the Metropolitan School of Nursing class!
In addition to donations of food, toys and cleaning and personal hygiene products, they held an oral hygiene workshop and promoted lively games with the children.
We heartily thank you for your contributions, not only to these, but to each and every one of you who embrace this cause. You have made a difference in the world!
Focused Hearing
This month we had another focused hearing. The objective of these hearings is to speed up legal processes, reducing the waiting time for children admitted to the institution.
We were assigned judge Dr. Ricardo Leitão, prosecutor Dr. Rafaela Melo and the technical team of the Children and Youth Court of the municipality of Paulista: Auristela Moraes, Dircilene Silva , Anamelia Souza and our technical team made up of psychologists Cláudia Brito, Nataly Pedrosa, social workers Grace Rocha and Bárbara Melo and educational psychologist Lusileide Rodrigues.
During the hearing, we discussed and resolved several important issues. All were with the purpose of offering the best care for the children and guaranteeing them a more dignified childhood.
Visit by Councilor Augusto Costa
In the years 2022 and 2023 we were awarded funds from councilor Augusto Costa’s parliamentary amendment. Through these funds, we hired a specialized psychologist to carry out targeted work with social educators and children, and in 2023, the funds were used to air-condition the reception and events hall, where children carry out various activities.
We invited the councilor and the president of the Municipal Council for the Promotion and Defense of the Rights of Children and Adolescents of Paulista – COMCAP, João Soares, to see what was done with the funds and we talked about the plans for 2024.
Let’s cheer for this door to open for our children one more year.
Visit of Promoters
We were treated to a visit from these incredible women: the Public Prosecutors, Dr. Camila and Dr. Julieta, both from the Paulista Inquiry Center.
In addition to playing an essential role in Public Ministry, these inspiring women began, in 2021, a valuable partnership with non-profit organizations in Paulista.
Not only dedicated to their daily work, they extend their work to contribute to organizations like ours.
They visit all non-profits to learn about their work up close. We had the honor of welcoming them to our institution. The work they do makes all the difference in our lives!
Current Needs
Since 2008, Lar Maná has existed as a Reception and Reintegration Home for children and adolescents.
Over the years, we have relied on the help of countless people to keep us running.
The donations we receive are essential for us to meet existing demands.
Once again, we need your collaboration to help pay our employees’ thirteenth salary. If you would like to contribute with any amount, feel free to contribute on our site We are immensely grateful for the generous contributions of everyone who helps us in this effort.