
Newsletter April 2021

Newsletter April 2021

Birthday of The Month

This time, we had a very special birthday at the very end of the month. As usual, the birthday boy got to choose a theme for his party and on the 30th, we celebrated with an Iron Man party! We had lots of fun with our little superhero.

Indian Day

In Brazil, we celebrate “Indian Day” every April 19th. It is a day when schools usually hold special activities and celebrate the indigenous people and their culture. It was no different at our on-campus preschool (Pedagogical Space Grandma Charlene). It is worth mentioning that this preschool functions thanks to the Valuable Friend Project, by Santander Bank. We are thankful for their support!

For this special day, the kids got to know all about “Índio Araçá” and in his honor, participated in eating the local fruit called “araçá” that had been planted at Lar Maná.

Online School

During the month of April, we have continued having online classes and activities for our kids due to the pandemic.

With the academic assistance of our team, they have continued to show great improvement and we have received positive feedback from their teachers. We are so proud of these little warriors!

Special Thanks

Every Thursday, a dear couple has donated their time and have used their car to serve Lar Maná.

We would like to say a special thanks to João José and Luzia, who have been going to the supermarket to buy groceries for Lar Maná every week. God bless you!

Best Day Ever

Which kid doesn’t like the beach, activities at the pool and pizza? I’m sure even adults would love a day like that!

We had super fun moments with the children taking them to the beach, playing by the pool and not only eating pizza, but making them together! The kids had a blast choosing and adding their own toppings to some pizzas. It was amazing!

Easter Campaign

This past month we celebrated Easter with the kids and they were blessed to receive donations from two schools from Recife: Colégio Alpha and Colégio GGE. The students donated food, toys, clothes, shoes and personal hygiene items for Lar Maná. We are so thankful for everyone who participated!


Access to dentists and doctors was not a reality for most children before they came to Lar Maná. Most children didn’t even have their most basic needs, such as food and shelter, met.

Thankfully, this reality changed once they arrived at Lar Maná. Every month, dentists and doctors come see our children and they are able to have consultations with them. These professionals take care of our children with lots of love. Our special thanks to all involved in this monthly medical support.

Music Therapy

Throughout the month, we held various activities and workshops with our educational psychologist Lusileide Rodrigues. One of those was a music therapy workshop. It was an afternoon of lots of fun and singing alongside intern Lucas Souza, who brought his guitar and sang along with the children.

The End of Project Hope for Children:

If you kept up with our past newsletters, you might have read about Project Hope for Children, an initiative that sponsored sports activities for the children at Lar Maná all year long. This project brought so many benefits for the kids, improving their social skills and health. However it has come to an end. Thankfully, we have been able to keep up the swimming lessons with teachers Marcel Ferreira and Rodolfo Myller. To continue providing these lessons, we are currently in need of R$ 1.500 monthly to cover all costs.

Did You Know You Can Have a Positive Impact on the Life of an At-risk Child?

Over the years, sponsoring a child has been one of the most effective ways to help them develop a positive self-image, get an education and rise up out of poverty. When you join our dedicated team of professionals and volunteers through sponsorship, we work together to guarantee the physical well-being, mental health and spiritual development of that child.

If you want to be closely involved with the transformation of an at-risk child, you can now personally sponsor a child who lives at Lar Maná from wherever you are! Click here to start your journey of positively impacting a child’s life.

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