New Homes
Up to November 2020 we had 12 children who were adopted and 2 children returned to their extended families (they left Lar Maná to live with a relative who had been granted guardianship from the court). We are extremely happy to have been able to be a part of these kids lives and be their home for a while.
Birthday Celebration

This month we had a birthday party for one of our children. Each child has an individual party with a themed birthday cake and gift along with new clothes and shoes, which they choose from our storeroom, known by the kids as the “Shopping Center Lar Maná”.
Educational Support

Through the sponsorship of Santander Bank, our team continues giving individual tutoring for the children’s online school assignments. These lessons are sent to the directors of their schools by e-mail. Our children have received compliments on their accomplishments throughout the year and this makes us very proud of them.
Special Workshops

The Santander Bank sponsorship also allows the kids to have many workshops. This past month, the kids made Christmas decorations in a workshop led by Lusileide, one of our educators.

November was another month of vaccinations with the children, doing our part in guaranteeing their rights to health care.
“Hope for children” Project – Judo Lessons

In special moment of happiness and emotion that will remain in the hearts and minds of our children and supporters, our children received the gray belt from Sensei Denis Foster.
Case Study
On November 18, the Interdisciplinary team of Lar Maná met with the Department of Child Services of the City of Paulista to discuss the legal processes of the children.
Hearing with the Judge

On November 26th we had a hearing with Judge, Dr Ricardo de Sá Leitão Alencar Júnior, the Prosecutor of the Public Ministry, Dra Rafaela Melo, the Public Defender, Dra Ana Cláudia Costa and the interdisciplinary teams of LAR MANÁ and Childhood and Youth Court of the city of Paulista.
The concentrated hearings comply with the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) and aim to reassess the situation of minors, in order to shorten their time in the institution, or, when that is not viable, to verify how they are being given the necessary referrals for the best care possible.
Staff Meeting

Our team had an off-campus meeting so that we could better concentrate on a project designed by Itaú-UNICEF that we have been developing.
Computer Classes

Through the Projeto Amigo de Valor (Project Valueable Friend), by Santander, children have access to computer classes and are progressing very well, positively surprising the instructors.
Opportunity to Help Lar Maná
Financial donations to help pay the mandatory end of year 13th salary bonus to our workers.