Birthday of the Month
This month we had a beautiful party prepared by the pedagogical team made especially for one of the children. It was amazing! We enjoyed helping her celebrate her 10th birthday!
She is a fan of the band Black Pink so we made a point of decorating everything just the way she likes it and had an afternoon of fun and games! It is always a pleasure for us to provide these happy moments for our little ones who deserve all the love and affection we can give them. ㅤ
Day of the Indian
In the month of April, we celebrated the Day of the Indigenous People and learned more about the culture of these people. The pedagogical team prepared a very special afternoon for the children. It was a cultural experience of the Indigenous People, where the children had the opportunity to experience some of the food and toys that we inherited from the indigenous culture while learning a little more about their customs and habits.
Special Invitation
We received a special invitation from the Brazilian Navy to celebrate the 56th anniversary of Hospital Naval do Recife with them. This super special date for them also became a moment of great joy for us here at Lar Maná. We were awarded the title of “Friend of the Naval Hospital of Recife”. What an honor!
The Navy has supported our work in many ways, especially by spending time with our children on commemorative dates, bringing them joy and warmth.
We are honored to be recognized as friends of the Hospital Naval do Recife and we are immensely grateful to the Brazilian Navy for walking with us on this journey of love and care for our children.
Social Educator Training
Every month we present continuing education opportunities for the social educators, with the aim of helping and guiding them in their day-to-day activities with the children. This month the theme was: “How to deal with tantrums and dysfunctional behaviors in the context of the home”.
Our guest speakers for the training were neuropsychologists Karine and Caroline, from the Arboreser Psicologia clinic. They helped us understand more about child development and the importance of using emotional care in interventions.
The objective of the training is exchanging experiences and strategies to better deal with challenging situations that arise in everyday life, always seeking the well-being of children and promoting a safe and welcoming environment.
Ophthalmological Consultation
Some of our children needed to undergo an ophthalmological consultation and received the care of these incredible professionals from CEVIPE (Centro da Visão de Pernambuco) and IOFV (Instituto de Olhos Fernando Ventura) who always receive us so well and are super careful and attentive to our children, completely voluntarily. We only have to thank God for these generous people.
Easter at Escola Maná do Céu
Our Easter at Escola Maná do Céu was incredible! The teachers decorated and prepared a party full of sweet treats and love for the children with lots of chocolate and games. We had a super fun morning. But beyond all the fun, we remembered the real meaning of Easter, where we celebrate God’s love for us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
It is a time of renewal and a fresh start of hope for better days. May we carry these values in our hearts every day and never forget God’s love for us. ..
Lecture at the Walfrido Advíncula School
Recently, we noticed rumors on social networks about possible attacks on schools, which generated a climate of tension and concern among parents and guardians.
In order to reach out and be pro-active during this critical moment, our Psychologist, Cláudia Brito, promoted a conversation on the subject for the mothers of students at the Walfrido Advíncula State School and offered valuable tips on how to react to these threats.
Lar Maná and the Walfrido Advíncula school work together in the quest of bringing education and hope to the children sheltered at LAR Maná and the children of the Chã da Mangabeira community. This partnership has worked very well!
Meeting with the Mothers of the Itaú Project
Lar Maná’s main objective is to welcome and reintegrate children and adolescents who have been rescued from a state of social vulnerability.
However, in partnership with Itaú Social, we have carried out social projects in the local community as well, giving these underprivileged children the opportunity to have access to technology, with computer classes on our campus.
We also have meetings with the mothers of these children, hoping to strengthen bonds and deal with issues to help them in the education of their children and topics related to women.
These initiatives are fundamental for social transformation and for us to offer a more promising future for these children and their families.
Healing Hands International
We were pleased to welcome volunteers from the organization Healing Hands International. HHI came to Brazil for the first time on a mission to distribute boxes full of love and hope.
The group presented children from Lar Maná, from the surrounding community and from the Sertão Pernambucano with “MAGI boxes”, which contained school materials, personal hygiene products and toys.
We are grateful to God for this group and for the privilege of being able to spread the love of Jesus beyond the doors of our Home.
Did You Know You Can Have a Positive Impact on the Life of an At-risk Child?
Over the years, sponsoring a child has been one of the most effective ways to help them develop a positive self-image, get an education and rise up out of poverty.
When you join our dedicated team of professionals and volunteers through sponsorship, we work together to guarantee the physical well-being, mental health and spiritual development of that child.
If you want to be closely involved with the transformation of an at-risk child, you can now personally sponsor a child who lives at Lar Maná from wherever you are!
The Lar Maná is supported through donations and to continue to meet the needs of all the children in our care we need your help. If you would like to contribute with any amount, feel free to contribute on our site or through our PIX 10.386.914/0001-96. We are immensely grateful for the generous contributions of everyone who helps us in this effort.