
We are thankful for one more adoption this month, here at Lar Maná. Our little “Frozen” fan has found a new home and another beautiful family was born! It is always a joy to share these moments with you. We wish our little one and her new family lots of love, joy and shared discoveries. May each day be an opportunity to build precious memories and strengthen family bonds.
Our mission to welcome and care for children in need continues, and we celebrate each adoption as a collective victory. Every child that finds a home is cause for celebration, as we pray that they will grow up in a safe and loving family environment.
May God bless this new family!
National Adoption Day

National Adoption Day was exciting! It was a date to celebrate love and foster care. Here at Lar Maná, we had a day of reunions. We had the joy of seeing some children who were adopted and now live with their happy and loving families. It was so good to see their changed faces, now radiant and full of hope.
Each smile is proof that adoption is capable of providing a bright future, full of affection and security. They are stories of overcoming obstacles and proof of bonds that are formed for a lifetime. We celebrate National Adoption Day by valuing each love story, stories of overcoming challenges and reaffirming our commitment to guarantee a happy and bright future for all children.
Birthdays of the Month

This month we had three children completing another year of life! As usual, each one had their cake and decoration with their personally chosen theme. The children were beaming!
We make a point of celebrating birthdays, as it is a way of showing each child how special they are. Once again, the pedagogical team did the decorations and our teacher, Rafaella, made beautiful and delicious cakes for the children being celebrated.
“Make It Beautiful” Campaign

May was Orange month, where the main theme is the fight against the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents, through the campaign “Make It Beautiful”.The campaign has a flower symbol, used as a memory of early childhood drawings.
“Make it Beautiful. Protect our children and adolescents.” wants to call society to assume responsibility for the protection of children and adolescents from sexual violence.” Source:
The campaign was launched in 2009, on May 18, with the aim of highlighting the date to mobilize, raise awareness, inform and call on society as a whole to participate in the defense of the rights of children and adolescents.
Here at Lar Maná, several activities were carried out throughout the month with the aim of making children aware of the intimate parts of the body and being able to identify and communicate to those responsible, in case of harassment or sexual abuse.
The Orange May campaign is over, but the fight against this cruel crime continues. Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents is a crime! Report it. Dial 100 or 190 (in Brazil). This fight belongs to all of us!

We had a visit here at Lar Maná from the Secretary of Health, through the team from Chã da Mangabeira Health Center, to administer the bivalent vaccine against the coronavirus and the flu vaccine. All children and staff members have been immunized! We believe in the importance of prevention and health promotion, and vaccination is one of the key measures for that.
We are very grateful for the love and dedication of the healthcare team from Chã da Mangabeira Health Center for conducting the process safely and carefully.
Secretary of Social Policies and Human Rights

Every month we receive a visit from the Secretary of Social Policies and Human Rights of the Municipality of Paulista, which comes to inspect the premises of Lar Maná.
The purpose of these visits is to inspect and monitor the services carried out here, with a focus on the care for the children that are here. We work together in the quest to guarantee the rights of children.
Computer Classes

In addition to the mission of welcoming children rescued from situations of social vulnerability, Lar Maná, in partnership with Itaú Social, carries out the Maná do Céu Project, providing computer classes to children in the local community.
After a period of learning from Professor Paulo on how to make PowerPoint presentations, needy children from the Chã da Mangabeira community had the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice.
Each one can now talk about a computing giant and are now closing the cycle on learning about PowerPoint. The children put on a show with their presentations and even managed to overcome their shyness of public speaking.
In the last few weeks, they began to learn about hardware and software and had the opportunity to see a computer from the inside, learn its functions and the importance of each part for the proper functioning of the machine. They loved it!
Did You Know You Can Have a Positive Impact on the Life of an At-risk Child?
The Lar Maná is supported through donations and to continue to meet the needs of all the children in our care we need your help. If you would like to contribute with any amount, feel free to contribute on our site or through our PIX 10.386.914/0001-96. We are immensely grateful for the generous contributions of everyone who helps us in this effort.