Birthdays of the Month

February was a month of fun. Four children had birthdays this month and as always, we had a celebration of another year of life for these little ones.
There was a super-heroes themed party for the two-year-old twins and their older brother who just turned four years old.
We also had a 15-year-old birthday party for our beautiful and radiant debutante. Here in Brazil this is a much anticipated and celebrated occasion and we made sure this was a super special day for our princess.
Here in Brazil this is a much anticipated and celebrated occasion and we made sure this was a super special day for our princess. The day began with a shopping trip when she chose her dress and shoes for the party. The staff at LAR Maná treated her like a princess with hair styling, make up, and a manicure while the pedagogical team and volunteers decorated for the party in her favorite colors and made the cake and treats.
It was a beautiful and memorable day that will remain in our little girl’s heart for a very long time. We thank God for always providing the best for us.
Our on-staff teacher, Rafaela, volunteered her talent and expertise to make the cakes and incredible food for the parties while all of the pedagogical staff contributed by doing a fantastic job with the decorations.

Through the grace of God, another family was united. Our hearts are always happy to hear of another adoption.
Adoption is an act of courage, dedication and love. It is an opportunity to offer a loving and secure home to a child who may have lived through very difficult situations.
When the much-anticipated day arrives, the happiness is indescribable.
And so the day came for this beautiful family to take their child to a new home. We wish this family love, affection and respect in abundance. May God richly bless them. ㅤ
Back to School

February is back to school month in Brazil. After a much needed break the activities of the Manna from Heaven Pre-school, computer classes, tutoring and public school classes started back in full force.
Children’s homes have the responsibility of guaranteeing access to education for the children they care for. Like the state and biological families, children’s homes must ensure that the children in their care receive quality opportunities to develop essential skills and knowledge through educational programs in order to guarantee them a promising future. ㅤ
Social Educator Training

We had our first social educator training of the year. The objective of these trainings is to be aware of the challenges that the professionals confront and try to help them in their day-to-day interactions with the children.
The Technical Team, made up of psychologists, social workers and special educators, gave orientation on how to effectively deal with the children while they are in our care.
The children’s past has been marked many times with suffering, abandonment and neglect, causing trauma that is difficult to overcome. Our role is to help them feel loved, respected and cared for in an effort to relief these wounds. For this reason, it is very important for our professionals to be on the same page with the same objective, always looking to give our best for the children.
Revitalization of the Little Park

The Little Park is undergoing a remodeling project that began with a beautiful mural painted by artist Zenaide. The mural brought the area to life with vibrant color. We think it is beautiful! We are anxious for the park to be finished so the little children can return to play and explore all the new areas.
Needs of Lar Maná
The Lar Maná is supported through donations and to continue to meet the needs of all the children in our care we need your help. If you would like to contribute with any amount, feel free to contribute on our site or through our PIX 10.386.914/0001-96. We are immensely grateful for the generous contributions of everyone who helps us in this effort. ㅤㅤ