Adoption Announcement
We are so happy to announce the adoption of another child! Each time a child leaves, it fills our hearts even though we surely will miss them. It’s comforting to know they now have a loving family. We hope our little princess receives all the love, respect, and care she deserves, and that she is a blessing in the lives of her new parents. May God bless them!
Visit to the UFPE IT Center
What an inspiring experience we had this past month! We took the children from the Chã da Mangabeira community, who are participating in computer classes here at Lar Maná through the Itaú Social project, for a visit to the IT Center at UFPE.
This idea came from our computer teacher, Marcelaine. She noticed that some of the children, coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, had little to no expectations for their future. Inspired to change this, she decided to show them that with hard work and dedication to their studies, they could indeed transform their lives.
During the visit, we were warmly welcomed by students from “PET Informática”, who guided us through the center, showing the classrooms, explaining the courses, and encouraging the children to believe that great achievements are possible through education.
Our goal was to plant seeds of hope in their lives, and we are already observing them more excited and motivated about their studies and their future. We hope they achieve even more than they ever imagined.
Folklore Day Celebration
On August 22nd, we celebrated Folklore Day! This special day is all about honoring our popular culture—where music, dances and stories come together. Our educational team organized a fantastic afternoon for the children here and those from the local community, who participate in the tutoring sessions here through the Itaú Social project. The children immersed themselves in this rich cultural experience, getting the chance to learn about and preserve the traditions passed down through generations. Through different activities, they explored reading, traditional foods, and the many characters that make up our folklore, all while enjoying lots of fun games prepared by our dedicated staff. It was an unforgettable afternoon!
Social Educator Training
Recently, we held an important discussion here at Lar Maná with our social educators. Joana Vilar, our coordinator, Cláudia Brito, our psychologist, and Bárbara Melo, our social worker, led the conversation on the importance of maintaining a routine in the workplace. During the training, we discussed strategies to better our daily practices and ensure everyone is aligned with our shared goals.
McHappy Day
On Saturday, the 24th, our children were treated to delicious meals generously provided by “Nossa Ronda Solidária”, a grup of local volunteers. In addition to supporting Lar Maná, they help countless other children and teens affected by cancer and contributed to the Ayrton Senna Institute through the McHappy Day campaign.
This is McDonald’s largest charitable event in Brazil, held since 1988. All proceeds from the sale of their burgers on this day go to institutions that promote health, education, and quality of life for young people and their families.
But it wasn’t just the children at Lar Maná who had a happier day thanks to McDonald’s meals! The children from the Chã da Mangabeira community, who attend our computer classes, were also treated on McHappy Day by DHL Global. The kids spent the day enjoying our space, playing soccer, and having fun, all while savoring the delicious meals. We are deeply grateful to everyone who made this special moment possible.
Visit from the local “Child Protective Services”
We recently welcomed a technical visit from Simone and Taciana, who represented COMCAP—The Municipal Council for the Promotion and Defense of Children’s Rights in Paulista-PE. The purpose of the visit was to inspect and monitor the services provided by Lar Maná to the children and teenagers in our care.
Our technical team—Lusileide, Nataly, and Anyse—gave them a tour of our facilities and shared some of the projects held here for children from the local community, such as computer classes, robotics, and tutoring lessons. We remain committed to making a difference in children’s futures and we are blessed to continue receiving support to continue this mission.
How You Can Help
Since 2008, Lar Maná has been a home for children in need of a safe place to live and grow. During all these years, we have been blessed to be able to count on so many different people around the world to keep this work alive.
When you join our dedicated team of professionals and volunteers through donations, we work together to guarantee the physical well-being, mental health and spiritual development of that child.
If you want to be closely involved with the transformation of an at-risk child, click the following link:
Swift Code for our Banco Bradesco account: BBDEBRSPSPO.
CNPJ: 10.386.914/0001-96
Agency: 01599
Checking Account: 000668655 Titular: 01
IBAN Code: BR21 6074 6948 0159 9000 6686 559C 1
We are always so grateful for your support whether it is through prayers, donations or volunteering personally!
During all these years, we have been blessed to be able to count on so many different people around the world to keep this work alive.
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….. We hope our little princess receives all the love, respect, and care she deserves, and that she is a blessing in the lives of her new parents. May God bless them!