
Newsletter August 2022

Newsletter August 2022

Birthdays of the Month

As you probably already know, every month we have a special party to celebrate our little ones’ birthdays. Each one of them spends the whole year looking forward to their party, always prepared with so much love by our team at Lar Maná. This past month we had three birthday parties, each one with its own theme: LEGO, Paw Patrol, and Young Titans.

It is a privilege to be able to provide these moments of joy for children who come from backgrounds of violence and abuse. …

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Maná Bread

Bread is great, but have you heard of the “Maná bread”?! This bread was inspired by Lar Maná and is now part of the Além do Pão Bakery’s assortment of products.

It is made with T-65 French flour with a thin crust, and goes well especially with pasta or cheese.

Whenever someone buys the “Maná Bread” in any of the bakery’s units, you will also be helping Lar Maná, since part of the money from sales will be donated to us. We’re thankful for this beautiful initiative by the Além do Pão Bakery!

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The Sweetest 15

We received a very special visit here at Lar Maná from Renata, now a beautiful teenager, who lived with us as a child years ago. Today, she is a part of a loving and affectionate adoptive family.

She is about to turn 15 and chose Lar Maná as the place for the traditional “sweet 15” photo session. It was here where she spent part of her childhood, so she keeps Lar Maná close to her heart until this day.

What keeps us moving and fills our hearts with joy is being a part of stories of transformation like Renata’s. Our psychologist Cláudia, who is also a photographer, had the privilege of being responsible for the photo session.

Cláudia was responsible for accompanying Renata during her fostering period and continues to be her psychologist until today. Definitely a lot of partnership and love involved! ….

Social Educator Training

Our social educators have an important job here at Lar Maná. They are the ones who take care of the children on a daily basis, playing the role of their caregivers.

Their work is not easy and requires a lot of patience and dedication, especially because many children here are victims of violence or have experienced such situations in their former homes. This affects these children deeply, both psychologically and in their behavior.

In Brazil, August is the month for raising awareness about violence against women.

We welcomed psychologist Carla Polyanna to approach this subject with the social educators.

Understanding this issue is crucial not only to take better care of the children who carry traumas, but also for our daily lives as women.

Unfortunately, every day countless women are victims of violence, and we cannot remain silent about it. …. ….

Social Branches of Our Work

Lar Maná’s main objective is to shelter and reintegrate children and adolescents rescued from a state of social vulnerability.

But in addition to our mission, since the beginning of this year, with the help of the Itaú Social Program, we have been holding meetings with women from the community who live in the vicinity of Lar Maná, in order to strengthen bonds and talk about important issues for their daily lives.

In addition to the work done with the women, the project also provides their children with free computer classes here at Lar Maná.

Thinking of helping them in the upbringing of their children, psychologist Nataly, and educator Lucileide, worked on the following theme: “How to break the cycles reproduced from one generation to another? How to be a transforming agent?”

During the meeting, they watched the movie “Life of Mary”, which addresses this theme very well. After the movie, each one told a little about their experiences similar to the film and how they have fought to break these often bad cycles.

It was a very enriching meeting!

We are very happy to know how much these meetings have blessed the lives of the women who participated.

A Special Ticket

A visit to the theater as a child is always a memorable experience! Our little ones were given tickets to see Beauty and the Beast, a classic of the movies and the stage. This gift was provided by “Helena Siqueira Produções”.

It is a joy for us to be able to provide these moments of joy and fun for the children and to know that we have so many people embracing this cause together with us.

Did You Know You Can Have a Positive Impact on the Life of an At-risk Child?

Over the years, sponsoring a child has been one of the most effective ways to help them develop a positive self-image, get an education and rise up out of poverty. When you join our dedicated team of professionals and volunteers through sponsorship, we work together to guarantee the physical well-being, mental health and spiritual development of that child. ….

Click the link to start your journey of positively impacting a child’s life. https://www.larmana.org/sponsor-a-child/

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